Sunday, August 3, 2008

Dead Presidents

I told you Grant could fucking party.



Trouble said...

He ain't got nothing on Alexander Hamilton. Psht. Grant, indeed. As if.

Rassles said...

Yeah, but Alexander Hamilton never dressed like a gay dude for a Favorite Fruit party.

Anonymous said...


I think im in love with ur blog! And to avoid embarrassing myself any further, i've chosen to stay anon! Blimey.. your writing's like a healthy combination of Freud and Bill (not buffalo bill, but bill bryson! lol)

Am still playing catch up on all ur posts and its been a supremely entertaining read all along!

Insure your sense of humor! its bloody priceless!

Rassles said...

Well, thanks 'Non, that means a lot.

You sound painstakingly and wonderfully British.

And I love Bill Bryson. He once told me a short history of nearly everything.

Anonymous said...

Doubt anyone else could fit a short history of everything into 600 pages, so lovin him's a healthy choice! (next best choice is the bible, but thats eons old and has too much of an autobiographical feel to it!)

And lol im half guilty as charged.. am based in the queens hood all right but am farrrrrrrrrr from british! (thank god for small mercies!) the lingo's somethin i've sadly picked up like a bad flu in a medical drama!

Rassles said...

Ah...that's why it seemed like you were painstakingly (literally, taking pains) to sound British. Felt unnatural to me.

Glad you're here, though.

Anonymous said...

Now that ive found my way here, wild horses wouldnt be able to drag me away.. unless of course, the wild horse had a naked nymph on it in which case even you wouldn begrudge me if i were to run off i hope! lol! and yes, mocking the brits is my current shit at it, but hey,no pain no gain!

and the word verification thingie is askin me to type 'wankey' to get thru! lol i reckon blogger's tryin to trash british lingo too!

Rassles said...

Blogger's full of wankers.

By the way, Non, how is your anonymous status less embarassing?

Anonymous said...

lol.. jus blogger? ur givin the rest of the web and the real world far too much credit!

im anon cause id be doing my carefully built image of narcissism some big time damage if word leaked out bout my fallin in love with another's writing! :)