Watched a bootleg copy of Wolverine (bullshit) and it was bullshit but we'll see. Paul gets all sorts of bootleggy goodness, sans proper special effects and all that. Serious gray swordsa and you can see the flight strings. He Burned Monster Squad from me and then I decided that I needed some monster squaqdish shirt from ebay.
Dude. so drunk.
Linder's car got broken into. This is crap and completely uncalled for. I/ve been watching it and there were no broken windows and nohting. discovered tonight: broken visors. Some asshoe prlolly was aall, " oh, so this california whore's got nohting. Let's break her visors in immature retaliation."
Oh whatever. I shoulld have watched closer.
So yeah. drunk.
Normally, I would tak those ellipses and cenrter them, fbut fuck that. I hop I make it into work tomorrow.
Later Edit: BOOM. Check it - shirt. I'm totally getting it. Yes. But without the stupid look-at-me-I'm-so-hardcore-I-love-vampires chick that's wearing it, because that bitch sucks. She is wearing the shirt for the wrong reasons. There's no way she's even seen the movie.
Another Later Edit: I decapitated the girl because I don't like her face.
Dude. I think you're drunk. And I'm entirely too sober.
drink a ton of water. skip the tylenol. damn. i love drunk blogging. i do it sometimes, but even drunk i am anal retentive enough to run spell check. it'd be funnier if i didn't...
When I was in college, there was a freshman on my floor who took full advantage of every opportunity to drink alcohol. He used to come by my room, late at night, loud and all, and talk all kinds of shit that made no sense.
So, one night, I pulled out a Minnesota Vikings rubber stamp my roommate had (he was a fan, apparently) and told him I was giving him a tattoo. He was all like, "Cool!" So I covered his face, arms, every bit of exposed skin.
I heard him scream from the dining hall when he finally woke up . . .
Great post, and thanks for the memories . . .
this looks fun...the drunkenness and the drunken blogging. i'll have to try it sometime.
Somewhere in the drop ceiling of first dorm room is a bottle of Bailey's and a bottle of Mad Dog, green.
Drank the good stuff. Left the "enh" behind. Wonder if still there...
I was just like this last night.
your drunk blogs are funny. no worries about the car - it's not your fault some douche bag violated my car.
i'm pretty pissed about the sun visors but not as much as i'm pissed about the 2 cds the fucker stole.
You were drunk when you posted? No way! I never would have known. It's so not like you.
The shirt is pretty cool. Not wicked Teen Wolf cool, just pretty cool.
If that bitch comes with the shirt, well you're trash guy just might get lucky that week. She's total dumpster bait.
I WANT the shirt!
PS - I think she might have nards.
People who break into cars and wear shirts for the wrong reason need to get a fucking life.
I wish I were drunk right now. So jealous.
I love how you type when you're drunk.
if you're so drunk how do you know it wasn't you who broke into the car?
My car's so fucking dented, nobody wants to break into it. I feel discriminated against.
Ambiblob: Have you ever considered a career in private investigation? You're one hellova supersleuth.
Daisyfae: I don't think I've ever used spell check. Does blogger offer spell check? Then I would post it and read it nine hundred times, and just correct my spelling errors by editing and reposting over and over again.
Brian: Oh, college.Nikki: There's a heavy personal satisfaction that goes along with publishing a drunk blog. It's kind of like, "Hah. And you fuckers thought I'd never amount to anything. Behold: blog."
Mia: You know some student found it, the greatest treasure ever, and continued back to that section of ceiling for the remainder of their college career. Just in case.
Boomer: EXACTLY.
MoLinder: Seriously, who breaks into a car and just fucks with your visors? Immature assholes, that's who.
Mathdude: HI!
Del-V: I hope by "Pretty Cool" you mean "From now on I'm only banging broads that wear that fucking shirt." Except for me, of course. That would be weird.
Boomer: Dude, wicked burn. Wolfman's got nards.
Gwen: Dude, seriously, you just summed up my post perfectly.
Gullybogan: I don't love how I type, it's all discombobulatory and out of orderish, and my fingers get tangled.
Nurse: (Where have you been all my life?) They jimmied the locks. No broken windows or anything. They ripped apart the entire inside of the car--glove compartment, trunk, all that--found nothing of value to steal, and then smashed her visors in retaliation. I black out rarely.
Crow: I would feel the same. In fact, I'm flat out offended that they didn't go after my car.
That's it. I'm getting wasted. Tonight. Ish.
Are you warming up for the next Chicago train drinking marathon? (you had a better name for it but I don't have time to go hunting for it right now)
Was with you in spirit last night. Pisco. Enough said.
I never thought I'd type these words in a million years but: good call on the decapitation.
where'd your head go?
Thanny: That's the type of thing I say every goddamn day. You better.
RF: Oh, of course. Two weeks, bitch. Pub Chugga Chugga Choo Choo 7, beatch.
Erin: Thank god I wasn't alone.
Gwen: Sometimes, violence is completely fucking necessary.
Dean: Somewhere up my ass, I think.
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