Friday, August 28, 2009

Jinx. Sans Hi.

Once upon a time, there was a girl who was me. Once upon a time there was me, and I existed, and I wrote this blog entry about the inevitable epic summer that I was sure to experience, and then I wrote about how much summer sucks.

It is August 26th. Ish. And I want to take it back. I want to pretend I kept those words in my pocket where they fucking belong instead of waving around for the world to see, because I should know better. Jinx. I am a fucking jinxy Jinxer who jinxes her jinxes.

All summer has been autumn. Spring sprang right the fuck into fall, and normally the thought of such things would pump up the goodness as well as the jams, but I'm accustomed to my seasons. I need the sweaty discomfort of summer and having fun in spite of it, because it makes me enjoy the other seasons so much more. I need the sunshine. I want to ride my bike, I want to sit outside of bars for hours and watch people trip over themselves while they try so hard to impress strangers. I want to go on vacation. I always knew the weather was emotionally affective, but I never felt it so harshly before.

I wonder if this angry, bitter kick I've been on is related to Poppy? I'm sure it is. I've been out of my element ever since, and I'm preachy and mad which I do not like.

For the past two weeks, I've been leaving work at 8:30. Twelve hour days, skipping lunch, constant working and bullshit. I used to make sure I went for a walk outside during lunchtime, but lately I don't have time and the sun has decided to shun Chicago completely (due to my excessive jinxing). Yesterday my boss came back at the office after a dinner business meeting and jumped when he ran into me at my desk and demanded I leave. It's exhaustive.

Look at this, I'm even slacking on my blog.

Normally, I would write out the dialogue between my boss and I, outlining his erratic sentence fragments and dervish bustling while he drops his keys and makes me give him a solid fist bump, but instead I'm all, "Yesterday I worked late and my boss had to tell me to go home."

I'm just not feeling it at all. So, a note to all who care and probably saw it coming: I'm going on a blog break for a short while. Blog has become obligation. Very lame. Living isn't happening, and once I've geared up again I'll be back in force. Turn the jinx into hijinx. Promise.



Kitty said...

Oh no, not you, no!

I love your voice. But hey, if it's not doing it for you, enjoy your break and get better soon from that lymph node thing (that stress along with your loss is a lot to go through all at the same time).

Sid said...

Oh no not you too. You were my replacement for Pistols at Dawn. Damn!

Anonymous said...

be well. get your mojo back (look under the sofa, i found part of mine hiding there once). look forward to hearing from you on the other side... of the blog break. not that other side...

Laura said...

Blogging is such a gotta be feelin' it thing.

Jinx, buy me a coke.

Mia Watts said...

You'll be missed. Rest up. Come back and hollah.

Chris said...

One time when I was feeling analogous (though probably not similar), a wise woman said, "Take your time. It's nearly summer. Who wants to be on a computer in the summer? And I don't even like summer."

Enjoy the break. Take your summer. No one said the seasons had to go in order. Or maybe they did. Whatever. See you when you get back.

Kono said...

work is overrated as a means to make a living, it sucks the soul right out of you, don't let it, i suggest some top notch reefer, a trip to the zoo, good booze, some sex, one cigarette and some well earned solitude so you can talk to yourself again, the world is to busy rushing to buy eggs and market undies, i prefer to well you know "sunsets and pharmacuticals", see when you get back, if you do, when shit's a chore it ain't no fun. take it easy. El Kono

~Mountain Lover~ said...


That's all I got. Because I'm all beige and neutral at the moment and am therefore boring. Hell, I can't even be creative and come up with words like ecru and eggshell. Fucking summer.

Rassles said...

Just so you guys know, I was thinking like a two week vacation from bloggery. Not like, indefinite disappearance.

But thanks all the same.

renalfailure said...

Vacations are fun, especially vacations away from the blog. I'm taking one next week just because I can.

renalfailure said...

Vacations are fun, especially vacations away from the blog. I'm taking one next week just because I can.

Anonymous said...

Ya know, Sabbath doesn't have to be Sunday (or Saturday), summer doesn't have to be be June, July, August. Take the time. We'll be here when you get back.

Schmee said...

Yeah dude...summer got pissed at you for talking shit and then skipped out for the year. That's some bullshit and I'm mad at you. This weather is already depressing me. you know what's gonna make me happy again? some mother fuckin!

Kono said...

Hey Razz, the hipster moped gang has caught up with me.

Anonymous said...

I'm keeping you to that promise.

See you again in a couple of weeks

Heather said...

Hey! I just got here!

Take a break. I have done it.

I am in Madison and summer skipped us here too. We are all against summer at the moment in my 'hood.ow I know it was you.

On the upside, your powers cross state lines.

The Ambiguous Blob said...

Dude. First and foremost, your blog is YOUR g.d. Blog. Do what you want, when you want, how you want. You have no obligation to the internets world. Rock on.

Mongolian Girl said...

I just read in your comment that you're thinking two weeks for this hiatus?
That I can deal with. (I say as if my ability to deal with shit is what all other bloggers depend upon.)
Enjoy your jinx-free zone.

Mister Crowley said...

Wish my boss would tell me to leave early. Maybe I should move to Chicago?

Anonymous said...

this is a great blog! anyway welcome to my blog :)

Blues said...

Ok, you totally jinxed yourself and will have the will to write in like two days. But if you don't, I get it. I just took a whole month off and I barely looked at the computer. It was needed and I feel refreshed. Go find cool shit to write about. I'll miss you if you're gone too long though.

Mr London Street said...

One day enough people will quit blogging that I will become the replacement for Baking With Plath and Pistols At Dawn (after all, I too have a three word blog title, maybe that's enough).

But I really hope you aren't one of those people that quits.

Mrs. Booms said...

This summer has just been complete bullshit.

I know this.

And I've resisted.

But it's happened. Bullshit ass Summer.

Gwen said...

Yeah - I had an unplanned blog break the past month or so. Blogging gets exhausting. Writing about living can sometimes impede the actual living. Good luck...but make sure you come back.

Thanatos said...

It's the drinking man. Once that stops, everything else sucks ass.

A Free Man said...

I lived in Britain for four years and never had a science. It was like Narnia, before they killed that ice queen gal.

But the whole 12 hour work day thing. You've got to nip that shit in the bud. Life is out there waiting for you and the baby jesus gave us a 40 hour work week for a reason.

Anonymous said...

"dervish bustling"

Fucking poetry. Don't be gone too long. A little frazzled Rassles is better than most of the bluster out there . . .

Del-V said...

I've been slacking on my blog for weeks. I have no desire to write uninspired posts.

Blues said...

quit working. Need more Rassles.

Le Meems said...

im bored
fucking quit yer job
sell yer body to make $$
or sell Mary Kay
same thing, really.

start blogging again



Anonymous said...

This break is stretching on forever, missy!

I'm faxing you some mojo i found in the skull cavity of a recently deceased blogger, a garrulous sort whose dying words were, "if only i'd blogged more..."

Hope it helps.

Erin said...

I can't believe people think you might quit!

Breaks are so worth it.

The Ambiguous Blob said...

I used to be a Mary Kay rep. Also, it's been two weeks.

Gypsy said...

I hope whoever you're jinxing is buying you a Coke.

Also, I miss you. But I understand all too well.

Gypsy said...

Also, regarding the previous post, which is absent now, I'm going to go with Ellen Page and hope you know what I mean.