Monday, December 21, 2009

High Efficiency Front Load Washer

Yellavitch frowns at my other sister in response to the absurdity of Wheel of Fortune solutions as of late while a military man solves the puzzle with "High Efficiency Front Load Washer."

Katsisch explains, "It's sponsored by Sears. It's like military-Sears week."

"Talk about Military Industrial Complex."

Katsisch laughs her ass off and whispers to Yell, "You know who wouldn't get that?"

"Anyone but you?" Yell smiles wickedly.

"Fuck you guys," I snap, "I can totally hear you."



Mongolian Girl said...

Yet another war of the brainiacs.

Sid said...

Crap Rassles. Do you know how many things in this post I'd have to google just understand what you're talking about???

M. said...

seriously what the fuck


(my word verification is POLEMIND. THAT IS WHAT YOU ARE.)(I'm not sure what that means, really.)

Schmee said...

Hah...I totally watched that episode and I never watched wheel of fortune. Weird.

renalfailure said...

Hey, I got it. And I even know it was President Eisenhower who originally coined that phrase.

The Ambiguous Blob said...

I wouldn't survive more than 10 minutes with your sisters. I could probably hang with you for about 20 minutes before you started to wonder just how DUM I am.

Kitty said...

No way your sisters are smarter than you.

The smartest people I know are the only ones who say they are not smart.

Which is pretty fucking brilliant.

nursemyra said...

I really like your sisters

Schmee said... are seriously slacking on your blog right now. write something new already! I need to be entertained...