Monday, December 7, 2009

Socks Set the Tone For the Whole Day

Every single morning I hit my alarm seven or eight times, throw my phone, hide under my pillow, and an hour and a half later I rocket out of bed because I'm late for work.

Open the blinds. Fuck. Feel the window. Walk over to the porch door, swing it open. Breathe.

Pick out my socks. Socks set the tone for the whole day. They are the most important thing in my wardrobe.

Every morning, in that order.

This morning there was snow. I could smell it coming, so I knew, but mostly I knew because everyone told me that there would be snow. I never check the forecast. Half the fun of weather is surprise.

In three days I will be in Mexico, and there won't be snow, and I won't need to check the weather. I'm excited, I can't wait, but it's December and this will be my first time leaving the winter during the winter and I prolly won't need socks.

This is weird for me.



Sid said...

Socks set the tone for the day? Ha. There are days when I wear mismatched socks. Then you know that I'm completely fucked for the day.

Chamuca said...

I am jealous about Mexico. It is 19 degrees here. 19 DEGREES. No snow yet, thank god.

Anonymous said...

winter holidays to sunny places (for those of us in the midwest) are jarring... but really cool! your inner thermostat is fucked.

Ginny said...

"Mexico: You Don't Need to Pick Out Socks While You're Here."

I think the Mexican Tourism people are missing an opportunity.

Have fun - I'm trying not to be jealous. But I'm failing.

Jessica said...

I don't need to say it, but feel inclined anyway--have fun!

Rassles said...

Sid, I'd think mismatched socks would show that you're prepared for goddamn anything.

formerly fun said...

Please don't wear socks in Mexico ok?

Jillian said...

I will find any freaking excuse NOT to wear socks. Any day that I am forced to do so....pretty much just pisses me off.

Guess that's why my phone doesn't ring much between mid-November and April. But come flip-flop weather....I am sunshine and roses. Socks suck.

Jud said...

I suppose the biggest issue I have with socks is trying to tell the black ones from the blue ones with the lighting in the bedroom. More than once the lighting and my poor eyesight has let me down.

renalfailure said...

Socks are awesome. Except for toe socks. They're creepy. But socks are where it's at.

JMH said...

This is cut and pasted, I'm sorry, but I'll add the en-yays...

Excuse me? Excuse me, señor? May I speak to you please? I asked for a mai tai, and they brought me a piña colada, and I said no salt, NO salt for the margarita, but it had salt on it, big grains of salt, floating in the glass...

Have a good time.

Erin said...

Have an amazing time in Mexico. I've always wanted to go!

I'm with you on good socks. I love my REI hikers.

A Free Man said...

Hasta la vista.

Blues said...

I can't really understand people that get up all early and have everything all organized and leave the house and they aren't in a mad rush.

I know they are probably a lot more relaxed than me, but I get like a tiny bit more sleep.

I have sock issues. It's the big toe nail that fucks it all up, even when it's cut down it just ruins all my socks.

All of my socks are interesting though. My glow in the dark skeleton ones are the best. I sew them when my big toe fucks them up.

I can't believe you are going to Mexico. Will you have one of the coconuty drinks with the umbrella for me? Practice up on your Spanish for when you come to Spain to visit.

The Ambiguous Blob said...

I have worn nylons near the equator on more than one occasion. But you're probably not into that. Plus, socks will be necessary if you're wearing sneakers. To walk in. Like if you're planning on walking somewhere far away.
Did you find a swimsuit?

Feisty Democrat said...

I totally agree - sex sets the to- oops. Socks. Got it. Never mind.

Georgia said...

I like your blog so much.
It is wonderful and makes me laugh and think and agree.

Here In Franklin said...

The first time I went to Key West in January, it was like when the Wizard of Oz goes from black and white to color. Hope you're having a great time.

nursemyra said...

Are you checking in? How's Mexico?

Thanatos said...

You're probably giving everyone a complex with your bad ass attitude. And all that drinking. Have fun!

Mimi said...

Dude, amen. I heart socks too. But i live in mismatched holy city. I always seem to buy tights instead of socks. dang.

Have fun in Mexico.
Get laid. Flirt. Booze and be sexy. Wink. Twirl your hair.
You can do it. It's inside you, let it out gurl. Be Rassles Light for a few days.
fo real.

Then come home and tell us all about it your crazy smart, sarcastical ways.

Lori said...

You know...I never really thought about it before, but I think socks CAN set the tone for the whole day. In the winter (here in Missouri), there's a little trick I use to take the chill off. I toss socks in the dryer for about 10 minutes before putting them on. Ahhhh....that really does start my day off right sometimes!

Great post and lucky you getting to go somewhere warm! Have fun!

Trooper Thorn said...

But with no socks to wear in Mexico, how will you know how to face the day?

Unknown said...

You always need socks.
In the shower: SOCKS.
Don't take them off.

Mister Crowley said...


Anonymous said...

Now i'm thinking about you barefoot; is that wrong? Am i crossing a line?

I'm thinking in a nice way.